amaraREPS | 2024 HubSpot Partner Advisory Council Announcement

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HubSpot has officially announced the 2024 Partner Advisory Council (PAC), a group made up of 83 HubSpot Partner Agencies across Asia, Australia, New Zealand, EMEA, Latin America, and North America.

The PAC is a unique opportunity that allows solutions partners to come together and provide feedback to HubSpot and advocacy on behalf of clients that will help shape the Global Solutions Partner program.

“We are incredibly honored to have been chosen (for the third time) to participate in the 2024 cohort after an incredibly competitive application process.”

– Amara Omoregie, Founder and CEO

We are absolutely looking forward to bringing our feedback, expertise, and experiences to the table as we all work towards building the best customer experiences with HubSpot as partners.

For more information, see the press release and 2024 PAC announcement from HubSpot.

NOTE: The Fullstack Agency is the official dba and agency arm of amaraREPS LLC.